Block-level storage volumes and EC2 instances can be used with EBS for throughput- and transaction-intensive workloads of any scale. AWS IAM allows an administrator to provide multiple users and groups with granular access. Various user groups and users may require varying levels of access to the various resources that have been developed. For securing data in transit, it’s important to enforce secure communication protocols such as HTTPS and TLS for all connections between clients and servers.

aws cloud engineer interview questions

It collects and tracks metrics, sets alarms, and automatically responds to changes in resource utilization. CloudWatch Logs provides centralized log management on utilizing proactive monitoring, troubleshooting ensuring the optimal performance of AWS resources. S3 ( Simple Storage Service ) is an object storage service suitable for storing various data types of files that can accessed through the internet.

ML & Data Science

A multi-cloud architecture employs numerous cloud services from various providers to fulfill redundancy, cost optimization, and vendor lock-in objectives. It requires careful planning, coordination, uniform security, monitoring, and management methods across all cloud services. Middleware facilitates cloud computing installations by acting as an intermediary between hardware and software components. This abstraction layer can aid in the simplification of the deployment and management of cloud applications and services. Furthermore, middleware may increase speed and scalability by managing connections between applications and the cloud.

  • By enabling this Connection Draining, we let the Load Balancer make an outgoing instance finish its existing requests for a set length of time before sending it any new requests.
  • There may also be some situation-based questions to gauge your motivation for the role and company.
  • The next step involves setting up a build project in CodeBuild, where you define the build environment, runtime, and build specifications.

Candidates might also mention Accelerated Computing instances, HPC Optimized instances, GPU instances, ARM instances, and other specialized instances. Elasticity is the ability of a system to scale capacity up and down in response to changes in demand. Likewise, when you want to kill a command or finish a command during on-going commands then you can prefer to use the Kill command. Internet gateways are components that allow resources within your VPC to communicate to and from the Internet.

Cloud Engineer Interview Questions – Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced

Your response will help the interviewer gauge your ability to handle the complexities of AWS infrastructure and your familiarity with AWS best practices. Auto-scaling is an essential concept for cloud computing professionals, and interviewers want to gauge your understanding of this feature in AWS. The ability to automatically adjust the number of computing resources based on the application’s demand can significantly impact the performance, cost-efficiency, and reliability of the system.

Once the configuration file is complete, I run ‘terraform init’ to initialize the backend and download necessary provider plugins. If everything looks good, I run ‘terraform apply’ to provision the defined resources in AWS. To ensure consistency and version control, I store the Terraform files in a Git repository, allowing team members to collaborate on infrastructure changes effectively. In database management, questions on data abstraction and data independence, database objects, multimedia database interfaces, categories of end-users, and use of DBMS in system software are commonly asked. It is critical to thoroughly analyze your cloud infrastructure before developing strategies to create a secure environment and protect the ecosystem from data breaches.

How is AWS CloudFormation different from AWS Elastic Beanstalk?

Cloud computing differs from the typical data center as it uses remote servers connected to the internet to store, process, and manage data, whereas traditional data centers employ physical servers. Cloud computing offers scalability, flexibility, and cost savings, whereas traditional data centers may demand a big initial investment and continuous maintenance expenses. GCP is often considered the cheapest provider of cloud computing services, though prices have leveled out over time.

aws cloud engineer interview questions

Horizontal scaling, also known as scale-out, involves adding more instances to your existing setup to distribute the workload evenly across multiple servers. This approach is particularly useful for handling increased traffic or load without overburdening a single instance. In AWS, this can be achieved using services like Elastic Load Balancing and Auto Scaling groups, which automatically adjust the number of instances based on predefined metrics and thresholds. Once the assessment is complete, we can choose the appropriate AWS services for each component of the application. For example, EC2 instances for compute resources, RDS for databases, and S3 for storage.

What Is Identity and Access Management (IAM) and How Is It Used?

If the client is able to access the website from his/her end, it means the connection is perfect and there is no issue with connectivity and the Security Group configuration also seems correct. 6- Session policies- They are advanced policies that are passed as a parameter when a temporary session is programmatically created for a role or federated user. Once aws cloud engineer the AMI is successfully copied into the Mumbai region, you can launch the instance using copied AMI in the Mumbai region. Once the instance is running and if it’s completely operational, the server in the North Virginia region could be terminated. Once the AMI is created, The administrator will need the 12-digit account number of the #2 AWS account.

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