I once got so pissed at this Easter holiday I almost vomited at the dinner table and could hardly walk to my bed at the end of the night. That’s just one of a million pissed stories I could tell about myself. There is no doubt in my mind that things needed to change for me. When you walk into a situation believing that you can’t have fun sober, this is likely to be a self-fulfilling prophecy. You might even isolate yourself or hold back from having a good time—which will then reinforce your belief (and others) that being sober makes fun impossible.

Ask a Sober Person: Why Do I Judge People Who Still Drink? – Self

Ask a Sober Person: Why Do I Judge People Who Still Drink?.

Posted: Wed, 10 Oct 2018 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Try to choose something other than water so that you feel like you are having a treat. Mocktails can be made to taste like a wide variety of cocktails and served in a fancy glass, only sans alcohol (so they taste even better)! Virgin mojitos are especially tasty and look like the real thing if you are trying to avoid prying questions about your beverage choice. Of course, always be aware of your triggers and avoid drinking anything that may be too similar to the alcoholic drinks you once favored.

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Serotonin depletion can cause major mood swings and feelings of sadness, anxiety, and irritability. “The goal is not to isolate and to socialize in environments where there is no temptation to drink because alcohol is not served or part of the equation,” explains Hafeez. “Exercise will boost mood and decrease anxiety and depression. It’s also a great way to meet people in a sober environment,” says Hafeez. “Stay away from events or places that are solely focused on alcohol, such as going to a bar and hanging out,” says Hafeez.

being sober around drinkers

Going back to normal life when in recovery is a challenge that can potentially lead to relapse. But being prepared to deal with triggers and temptations can make the process easier. Returning to a regular environment and spending time with friends who drink is one of the challenges you might face. Having a drink in your hand is often the first line of defense against pushy friends and colleagues when you are avoiding alcohol.

Balancing holiday parties with guests in recovery.

In fact, some of them might also be thinking about cutting back on their own alcohol use and be inspired by you. If you have experienced relapse, Gateway is here to help. Our programs provide evidence-based treatment customized to your exact needs to ensure a successful next step. I’m a writer, competitive chess player, Army being sober around drinkers veteran, physicist, and former professional heavyweight boxer. My work focuses on self-development, realizing your potential, and sobriety—speaking from personal experience, having overcome both poverty and addiction. You’re in a situation where people expect you to drink and where all your friends are going to drink.

being sober around drinkers

Drinking an overly sweet soda, juice or—please no—a non-alcoholic mojito just doesn’t cut it. It’s definitely an extra layer of ‘hard’ for us sober people if we have to spend a lot of time around people who are boozing. I don’t most of the time, but every Easter we go away to spend 4-5 days with extended family in a remote location. It’s a holiday weekend that presents a unique set of challenges for me.

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