documentation of sobriety letter examples

In some cases, you might include evidence to support successful completion of probation and/or sobriety court. It usually depends on the orders you received in your initial sentencing and the details of your specific situation. We will use our decades of experience to ensure that every word and sentence in your letter supports your sobriety story.

#6. State Your Commitment

Though our relationship has been a bit strained recently, I want you to know no words could ever express how much you mean to me. No matter what happens, you will always be my child, and nothing could ever change how much I love you. I just kept looking over at your chubby cheeks and pinching myself so I’d know it was real. Someone living with addiction needs to know what they will be surrendering without getting help.

  • Reaffirm your commitment to leaning on them for support and guidance when needed.
  • I will also surround myself with a supportive network of friends and family who understand and respect my commitment to wellness.

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A key indicator of future sobriety is if the person has a support network of local people committed to helping you. One of the most important components of all 12-step programs is that you accept responsibility for what you have done as a result of drinking alcohol and/or taking drugs. An experienced attorney may provide you with a documentation of sobriety letter examples sample letter, or even better, a printed list of things to include in the letter. The writer should include the date they’re preparing it at the top of the letter. Although the process can be time-consuming or awkward, you’ll undoubtedly be surprised at peoples’ willingness to support you.

documentation of sobriety letter examples

The Experience Blog

Whether or not you have your license reinstated will depend upon your Driver Assessment and Appeal Hearing officer. This person acts as a judge, specifically in Driver’s License restoration cases. It can be difficult to find the right words to say when someone close to us is struggling with addiction. However, offering our congratulations and support is a great way to show that we care.

documentation of sobriety letter examples

I hope you can help her get her life back on track and give her the opportunity to drive again. It’s better to have a few good letters of reference that are clear, consistent, straightforward and trustworthy than many letters that are vague. It will only hurt your case if you have letters from people who can’t attest to your commitment to sobriety. Your hearing officer will require at least three, but no more than six letters of reference from family members, friends, and counselors.

Michigan Driver’s License Reinstatement Letters: What to Expect

The client’s request needs to communicate clearly what information is needed and the purpose of the letter. The therapist and client should also discuss the requests to ensure mutual understanding of what will be disclosed and how it may affect the client’s case and therapy. It is important to note that a therapist may deny such a request or obligate the therapist to act in a particular manner.

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You can be as strict or as lenient as fits your situation, but things like required program attendance and sobriety should be primary points in your restrictions. Be sure that this section does not become an exhaustive list of every large and small grievance you have that relates to addiction. While you may have dozens of examples to share, going too far in depth can begin to feel like a bashing session, and this diminishes the effectiveness of your objective. Instead, focus on the most meaningful and significant examples that are likely to have the maximum impact. When in the midst of it, it’s easy to let other aspects of life, like relationships, jobs and finances, fall by the wayside.

  • In fact, such a letter completely fails to talk about how, when and why the petitioner had his or her last drink, and how that’s known to the writer.
  • This commitment is not just a promise to myself; it is a declaration of my intent to reclaim my life and my sense of self.
  • It’s better to have a few good letters of reference that are clear, consistent, straightforward and trustworthy than many letters that are vague.
  • Making sure you understand how all of this connects, know the proper terms to use (as well as to avoid) are an important part of what we do with each client at our first, 3-hour meeting.
  • You may be surprised how willing and even excited the people in your life are to help you get back on the road and on with your life.

On the contrary, it is information that the hearing officer will expect to see and is recommended by the Secretary of State. Therefore, there is no reason to ask references to hold back about your past, or worry about including what may otherwise be embarrassing details of your drinking and drug history. I am writing this letter to express my steadfast commitment to managing my mental health challenges.

documentation of sobriety letter examples

You’ll undoubtedly feel a lot of pride if you’ve seen someone go from active addiction to sobriety and long-term recovery. It facilitates communication between the legal system and mental health professionals, ensuring that decisions are informed by a comprehensive understanding of the individual’s mental health. In case you own an iOS gadget such as an iPhone or iPad, easily generate electronic signatures for signing a sobriety letter of support in PDF formatting.

Therapy Letter for Court

These strategies could include attending Halfway house support group meetings, practicing mindfulness techniques, or seeking professional help when needed. Acknowledge the challenges and obstacles you may face in your recovery journey. This shows self-awareness and a realistic understanding of the road ahead.

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